Sustainable skincare: how to make the best choices!

Sustainable skincare: how to make the best choices!

If you are on your journey to a more sustainable self, your bathroom, more specifically your skincare, might be a big question for you. On this beautiful invention which is the internet we can nowadays find everything. When I mean everything, I mean EVERYTHING: I am pretty sure you can hear from an expert something and then from another one the complete opposite. But in terms of a more ethical journey searching to change to a sustainable skincare is easy. Even if Google makes you believe the opposite…

What is a sustainable skincare?

This term is mainly used for products who are eco-friendly, ocean and reef safe, ethically produced and in a recycled/reusable/recyclable packaging.

However, if you are asking this question means you already know about the environmental issue and what sustainability stands for. If you need a small reminder check our article on waste and sustainability. You will quickly understand the urgency of the situation.

They are two views on sustainable skincare: the green one or the sustainable one. I will not take part in this debate. After a talk with deconstructed skincare, my position is pretty much clear.

Sustainable skincare is a type of skincare which is safe for the environment and the people using it. It is also based on a more circular economy and is based on reducing its use in energy, plastic and chemicals.

How to transition to a more sustainable skincare:

Reducing plastic, coral reef safe, recyclable/recycled, ocean safe: here are some words that should be with you while you shop for any sustainable product. 

If you are a sustainable beginner:

  • Look for vegan and cruelty-free products: no products should be tested on animals nor contain any animal products. I think that skincare brands are more and more transparent and use the vegan and cruelty-free logo as this is now helping with a specific niche. However, if you are new to this or the product does not show any logo, here are the “bad” components you should be aware of: lanolin, shellac, glycerine ( can come from vegetables), caseinate/ sodium caseinate, squalene, guanine, oleic acid, animal hair ( in brushed for example), stearic acid, beeswax, collagen ( plant-based alternative exist). You can read more about each components on
  • Look for easy to recycle packaging like glass packaging or wood/bamboo packaging.
  • Try to find close-to-you products. It might mean less transportation. Also, make sure to ask for the products to arrive together. We have all seen those Amazon products arriving the same day in different packaging.

If you are an advanced sustainable eco warrior:

  • Look for reusable packaging as well as refillable packaging. So many skincare and beauty brands begin to work on collections with refillable packaging.
  • If you are a fan of a brand which does not have glass containers try to find an alternative from recycling. Recycling takes a lot of transportation, water (cleaning), and energy which is less sustainable than for example reusing this packaging as a candle or jewellery holder.
  • Use more natural ingredients in your routine. You should begin to take time for yourself and do facial exercises to help your skin stay firm and energetic. These practices also help with using less products in your daily routine.
  • Check the components which are unsafe for coral reef. I know this can sound a bit weird as you perhaps live in the middle of a city but everything goes back to water. The use of unsafe ingredients for reef can have a direct impact on the biodiversity. Here are some of the components you should be aware off: Oxybenzone, Octinoxate, Octocrylene, Homosalate, 4-methyl benzylidene camphor. You can find more ingredients on
  • Help small business from your country with a homemade production to help with the reduce carbon footprint of each product.

If you are a full accomplished sustainable hero:

  • With the container you previously kept from past shopping, create your own lips scrub, lip balm, mask, and even moisturiser. 

You are only a few to have reach this step of true sustainable hero and can use only natural products for your skincare. 

Honestly, lot of people will feel comfortable with staying in the band sustainable hero and this is okay. Every step is a better step for the environment. Do not be too hard on yourself and do not begin to spend money on unnecessary skincare products that are advertised as more ethical. First finish yours and then look into what you liked from them and what would you like to be more sustainable and then search for alternatives. Today, the skincare and beauty market is exploding with new brands and better products.

If you like a brand, make sure to reach out to them and express your concern about their products being non – sustainable. They need to know if they have to change. You are the customer and, without you, they do not make money… Which is a big deal for them… So I can assure you, if enough people raise concerns, they will change their production and packaging and offer you your favourite product more sustainably and ethically.

Whatever step of the journey you are on, you are not alone and you can always ask for more informations to the community. 

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