Don't be fooled by greenwashing - how companies use green values to sell products - Photo by Brian Yurasits

Don’t Be Fooled By Fake “Green” Advertisements From Big Companies!

After talking with different influencers on green beauty, we reached an interesting topic: sustainable advertisement. Our generation of customers is getting more and more informed about the companies practices and their green print. Still, we fall for their greenwashing every time.

“Greenwashing is the process of conveying a false impression or providing misleading information about how a company’s products are more environmentally sound. Greenwashing is considered an unsubstantiated claim to deceive consumers into believing that a company’s products are environmentally friendly.” – Investopedia

Here is what Elizabeth from @skincare_deconstructed had to say about fake advertisement from skincare brands:

” This generation of consumers is the most educated. They demand more transparency from big brands and concerns and are ready to ditch it for small indie sustainable brands.

There are some “promises” that brands often make, but it’s impossible because that’s how our body works! “

“Pores and wrinkles will be erased”:

If only, this could be real. I found that most of the time products containing retinoid or retinol make this statement. To be honest, each time I want to believe it but we know it is not true…

“You can’t erase your pores and wrinkles. Sorry to disappoint you. Your pores are genetic if your parents have big pores and oily skin, most probably this is going to be your skin type as well. And no skincare is going to correct that.

The wrinkles appear after multiple muscle contractions, which is happening daily to all of us, especially very emotional folks. You’re talking, smiling, raising an eyebrow – there is going to be some wrinkles nearby. So learn to embrace them and don’t make a big fuss about it.”

Same for hair density and hair texture. Although there are some hair treatments out there, unfortunately, they won’t do much if the problem is inborn?? is that how you say it. Happily, hair extensions, hair transplant options, perms, keratin treatment, etc., you can hide all these troubles.” – Elizabeth

Over the counter treatment acne:

“The chronic conditions are the competence of a doctor, and you can’t treat acne or rosacea by using skincare. Please book an appointment with a dermatologist instead of spending big bucks from some expensive, well-advertised item targeting your trouble. Mostly the cause of these issues lies very deep, and you might undergo surgery, hormonal treatment, or a life long medication.

The skin is the largest human organ, and it shows some inflammation when something usually happens inside. The main suspects could be the digestive system and hormonal organs. So please look up the CAUSE of your skin troubles, instead of treating the superficial SYMPTOMS only.” – Elizabeth

Cosmetics claims:

“The cosmetics advertising claims are 80% false. These affirmations can include, but not limited to, superiority, such as “award-winning products” scientific, like “clinically proven”; stand-alone performance, “your skin feels softer”; endorsement, such as “dermatologists recommend this;” and subjective, like “all you need for a day of confidence.” You can research the key ingredients and their concentration, to see if it can help with your problem.

This is a minefield even for advanced users. I can recommend searching for users’ reviews on non-commerce sites. Pay attention to the downsides that are frequently mentioned. And the main criteria for filtering these testimonials should be your skin type – it should match to the reviewer’s skin. Don’t trust raving reviews, that are 100% positive – there are no perfect products!

You can try picking up some samples from a local store, to see what’s the product smell, texture, and consistency. This is a good tactic before committing to a full-size bottle.” – Elizabeth

Educate yourself:

The most important part is for you to get educated. We, as consumers and human beings, have the tendency to trust too easily. 

82% of the consumer say they would prefer to buy a product which is sustainable or more eco-friendly for the environment. And the companies understood that. They are using whatever they can to sell their products no matter what!

Here are some links where you can find companies that lied through green/ sustainable advertising:

The only way for you to know if you are being played is to make your research, talk to people and review the past of the company as well as their future goals. There is no other way than that… it is as simple but still we fell for it each time!

I hope you liked this article and I would like to thank Elizabeth from skincare_deconstructed for helping me with this.

Let me know of any company you heard which was doing greenwashing and what product you bought through them!

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