Water saving and money saving. Bets way to save money and reduce your bills - picture by Sandie Clarke

Saving money and water with this easy swap

On this article, I will give you a few tips on reducing your water bills and reduce your carbon footprint. You will not only keep money in your pocket but also have an ecofriendly house.

To reduce your water bills you need to reduce the water flow. There are two ways of doing this:

  • tap aerator or flow regulator: a simple gesture that can make a big difference. Those devices can be easily fitted inside the spouts or at the end. They mix the water with air without changing the pressure. As the pressure is the same you will not feel the difference of water coming out but it is here. You will be saving money when you wash your hands and vegetables. however, it will take longer to fill up the kettle.

  Tap aerator can reduce for 15 litres a minute to 6 litres per minute which is a huge change. I would recommend adding a tap aerator to your main used sink such as the bathroom and kitchen as well as the shower. 

Looking at the bill savings: on average in the UK, a family of four use per annum 164m’3. One m3 is around 2£. Considering half of this water usage is due to dishwasher or laundry, the water annual bill would be 82x£2=£164. Using the tap aerator you can expect to reduce this bill by half leading to a saving of already £82.

Therefore, if you buy a tap aerator, which costs between £3 to £20 pounds you can save £82. (calculated on a household of 4)

  • Water flow regulation valve. I recommend calling a plumber for this as it can be more complicated to install. This device regulates the pressure and water flow. You can reduce your water flow to 8 litres per minute whatever the pressure is. This device is a little bit more expensive: can cost you more than £250. However, the difference with this device compared to the first one is that it can be applied to the whole household water flow.

I do not use this tool because it is quite expensive and I feel like it fits more in big households or even in factories using a lot of water.

For a flat that your rent or a smaller household I would definitely recommend the tap aerator. It is not only saving water and money but also helping to be more environmental friendly.

I really hope this article helped you make some economy! So let us know if you have any tips on saving water through Instagram or Twitter or in the comment section just below!

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