Strive for a perfect skin without cellulite: dry brush your body

Strive for a beautiful skin: dry brush it!

Did you know: dry brush your body every morning not only helps you wake up and makes you feel good but also help with your lymphatic system? The lymphatic system has several poles in our body. It is mainly helping with water flow or retention. If you have this bumpy skin around your hips or legs due to water retention this can be your saviour.

What brush to use?

Several versions of body brushes exist and the choice depends on your preference. Here are some of the most well known:

  • The round body brush from The Body shop: we love its design and its vegan bristles. It is strong and will last you for a while. Also, we love its price as it is only £9. A steal!
  • The body brush from skin gym: made out of cactus sisal bristles it will help stimulate and exfoliate your skin.
  • Rosena dry body brush: our favourite. It has massage head in it which not only will help with the lymphatic massage it also releases muscle tension and makes you feel like you treat yourself. We also love its price: £10.99.

What are the benefits?

  • Exfoliating,
  • Lymphatic massage 
  • Cellulite reduction
  • Reduce muscle tension
  • Helps with skin elasticity
  • Remove toxins

In line with this massage, do not forget to drink a lot of water during the day to make sure all the toxins are ejected from your body.

How to dry brush?

Here is a little scheme to help you: begin from your feet up to the top of your legs. The brush your hips horizontally has the picture shows. Then from your hands to your heart. After that, you can go from your belly bottom around your stomach clockwise and then brush away.

If you have any questions about to use it or any tips feel free to leave a comment or let us know on Twitter and Instagram

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