Best tips to declutter and organise your closet, sustainable style decluttering

Tips for decluttering and organising your closet

Decluttering is the action of removing all the unnecessary things. It has been proven to help people in stress or having regular panic attack and anxiety.

Decluttering can be amazing to just give a good clean to your closet but it is also good to remind you what treasure you have. 

Here are a few tips for a successful sustainable closet decluttering:

  • NEVER THROWaway. Material used to create clothes nowadays is not biodegradable. It is made with a lot of chemicals and only harms the atmosphere.
  • Give it to charity: so many people do not have the luck to be able to buy clothes. Being able to give your clothes to charity can help a struggling family.
  • Sell your best pieces: if you do not like something anymore and do not believe your kids will use it either. There are a lot of different online shops that you can use for that such as vinted or Vestiaire collective for your designer piece.
  • The clothes that are damaged and cannot be sold or given to charity find a way to reuse them: a lot of tee shirts or sport clothes can be cut and reused as kitchen cloths.

While you reviewed all of your closet you might be wondering how to not make a mess out of it. Here are some tips to keep it organised and make sure you don’t clutter it again.

  • You can take a picture of all the clothes you have and keep it close. In the morning, instead of searching in your closet and making a mess, you can put your outfit pictures together and just pick the pieces you need.
  • Make sure you put the categories together: trousers with trousers and not a mix and match of everything.
  • A lot of people find colour coding helpful, you can try and see how this work for you.
  • Put the pieces that you use the most on a closet rack or easy access for you.
  • When you go shopping, remember, whenever you want to buy something, if you need this and how many times you are planning on wearing it.
  • Do not buy a piece from a fast-fashion chain. Be different, be rare be amazing! Of course it is more expensive but it is also so much nicer to wear something special that you know no one else will wear at the same party.
  • Inform yourself on the different materials that exist as well as the logo and look out for them. Also prefer buying from local shops and product made in your country (help the local economy).

Let us know if you declutter! What do you do with everything you decided to let go? Do not forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter.

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