On my way to wellness: first online yoga class with Kate

On our way to wellness: my first online yoga class with Kate

This last few weeks I have tried to learn more about wellness. One of the main pillar for a healthy body and mind is sport. Well during quarantine, sport was not on my list. I have never been someone who likes to go to the gym or do any type of sport just the idea of sweat disgust me… However, sport helps with relaxation. As we are all unique, it is important to understand that for each people sport will be different: some will love running, some will prefer Weight lifting even others will prefer Yoga or pilates.

As an incredibly unmotivated sports person, I decided to give a chance to a more relaxing and less intense sport: Online Yoga.

Kindly enough Kate decided to welcome me to one of her online yoga zoom class. I choose the Un-wine-d yoga class: it is described as the most relaxing one, beginner-friendly, and for the little plus that sold it: you can bring your wine, gin or any beverage with you! I mean, what more can you ask for? If I knew I could do some stretching/sport while having my drink I would have signed way earlier.

The class:

As it is on Zoom, you can stay home with your computer and prepare the atmosphere as you prefer. No need for some smelly old gym… 

I was quite nervous to show myself as it is my first time doing yoga… imagine my non-existing flexibility! 

I just decided to turn off my camera which made me feel way more comfortable! 

Glass of wine ready; my candles are slowly burning, now we can begin. Kate voice is the softness. It is quite impressive considering it is on zoom and can sometimes give the feeling of a robotic type of voice. But here I did not have this issue at all.

Her voice is relaxing and from the beginning onwards you will stretch, breeze, drink (a bit) and relax. One hour flew by and was the perfect amount of time. 

After the hour I felt relax and stretch for sure. I was happy I did not turn on my camera as some of the stretching positions were embarrassing for me. However, I am happy to see that more you practice more flexible you become. 

If you are not a sport person, don’t want to subscribe to a gym, don’t feel comfortable around other people or even just need to relax I would 100 per cent recommend her classes. The first one is free with the code KGYFIRSTFREE. So you can try and see how you feel. However remember you will not be perfect on your first class, but practice will help you achieve the perfect stretch.

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