6 Major Current Environmental Problems we should Discussed! photo by Tobias Rademacher

6 Major Current Environmental Problems we should Discussed!

I’m sure you’ve heard about a few environmental problems and environmental change recently. Some of these problems are more pressing than others, but they all need to be addressed. These major issues are constantly in the news and deserve your attention. Each one has serious implications for both people and the environment.

Read on for an overview of each problem and what you can do to help make a difference.

Global Warming

As you all know, global warming is a real issue. The earth’s average surface temperature has risen by about one degree Fahrenheit……And it will continue to grow at least five degrees by the end of the century.

What does this mean for us?

Well, more extreme weather conditions. Think hurricanes, droughts, wildfires, and sea-level rise. There are different ways we can help reduce our greenhouse gas emissions – from driving less to eating less meat. Using public transport whenever possible too. Some cities have excellent services where passengers can avoid traffic and pollution.

You can also use fewer fossil fuels and switch to renewable energy sources.

If you live in a cold area, choose electric heating instead of gas or propane. Additionally, you can install solar panels on your roof and start generating electricity from the sun!


As we become more crowded, we need more space. So, there is a need to destroy forests and other natural habitats to make room for us, causing habitat loss. Worse, species extinction. And when we burn trees, it releases more carbon dioxide. “Extra” carbon dioxide = global warming!

Unfortunately, the process of deforestation has increased over the last few decades. If left out of
control, climate change or planetary destruction will happen.

Photo by Matt Palmer

For example, the loss of trees can cause floods. It leads to mass starvation among people who depend on agriculture for their livelihoods. It’s especially true for farmers living in developing nations with limited resources.

The good thing is: there are ways to solve deforestation. Governments and citizens need to be more aware of the problem and take action. Some solutions include:

  • Planting trees: is an obvious solution, but it is not always easy or possible to do on a large scale.
  • Restricting logging: This affects people’s livelihoods. However, we must find a way to do this in a sustainable way that does not further damage the environment.
  • Creating protected areas. Restricted areas where logging and development are not allowed.
  • Promoting responsible forestry. This includes using less wood planting new trees after harvesting old ones. Also, using sustainable forestry practices.
  • Educating people about the importance of forests. A solution only comes with awareness.

Soil Erosion

Soil erosion is when wind or water removes soil from one place to another. This can be serious, especially for sustainable farming. When the soil is moved, it can damage rivers, streams, lakes – even our drinking water!

Photo by Renzo D'souza

Soil erosion also increases flooding in coastal areas due to decreased landmass. Moreover, the chemicals present in the soil washed into waterways can damage ecosystems.

So what’s one proven way of reducing soil loss? Terraces.

Terracing is a farming technique that is used all over the world. This technique uses a gentle slope to grow crops. It is a more sustainable way to farm because it does not rely on fertilizers and pesticides.

Air Pollution

Air pollution is a leading environmental problem today. It can cause health problems for people, from minor irritation to serious long-term health issues.

The effects of air pollution are widespread:

  • Air pollution contributes to climate change through greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Acid rain – which affects trees, plants, and soil organisms
  • Ozone depletion – ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth’s surface more readily than before
  • Ground-level ozone formation – leading to smog (harmful to vegetation).

Air pollution affects both the environment and people. That’s why it’s important to take steps to reduce the impact, like carpooling, cycling, walking, and minimizing energy consumption. You can also help improve air quality by planting trees.

Plastic Waste

Another is plastic waste. Plastic doesn’t break down and go away as organic material does. It just gets smaller and smaller until it’s in tiny pieces. This means that there is more plastic every year, and it’s filling up our landfills. Some countries don’t even have landfills, so the plastic goes into the ocean or washes up on the shoreline.

Photo by Julia Joppien

Plastic contains harmful chemicals that can leak out when it is in contact with water. These chemicals can enter the animals’ bodies and work their way up the food chain. Some of these chemicals cause cancer.

Yes, when humans absorb these well-known carcinogens, they can cause cancer. This tells us the need for immediate action.

Here are some things people can do to reduce their reliance on plastics:

  • Refuse single-use plastics whenever possible (bring your own reusable bag/bottle /cup)
  • Recycle
  • Choose products made of recyclable materials.
  • Compost

Climate Change

Climate change is the greatest environmental problem there is. It affects everything. The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the natural disasters are all influenced by climate change.

Climate change is not just environmental. It also has economic consequences for many countries whose economies depend much on agriculture. And what’s worse is climate change also has serious effects on human health. It will increase heat-related illnesses, including heatstroke. And global warming is a symptom of human-caused climate change.

So, there won’t be a big difference in reducing the effects of climate change. But, experts are looking for new ways to reduce climate change and global warming.

One of the most promising research areas is using natural gas instead of burning fossil fuels as a fuel source. The main reason why this works so well is that it gives off zero carbon dioxide when burned. This means that you won’t be contributing to the greenhouse effect.

Photo by Julia Joppien


A takeaway from this blog post is my 3’As. Awareness, Action and Achievement.

Awareness brings clarity to taking the necessary action, and the right actions will allow us to achieve a better future.

Doing our part is a big help in making a difference on these pressing environmental issues.

This planet needs our help, and it’s not too late yet. We can still preserve this beautiful place for future generations. By taking simple steps, we can make an enormous impact.

To help preserve our planet, what are you going to do today?

The author:

Mary Jane Soliman is a freelance writer who offers blog writing services. She provides high-quality sustainability content that gains attention and increases online presence. You can connect with her on Twitter and LinkedIn. 

Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/marysoliman_s

Linkedin Link:https://www.linkedin.com/in/maryjanesoliman/


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